Tuesday, October 19, 2010

May I please have this thing I want so much . . .

There is a belief, evidently, in Japan also that there is only one fish in the sea. Big Frank learned this at the Meiji Shrine from the notes/wishes that the visitors left hanging on around the "tree of desire" (well, that's what Big Frank calls it - not sure what the real name is, or if there is a real name). Here's the deal: visitors can take a small piece of wood, write their wish/desire on it and then hand it in a stand around the tree. Then . . . . ?? Unfortunately, there is no empirical evidence about the outcomes of this system. Big Frank circled the tree and read many of the wishes/desires . . . many were generic wishes that everyone in their family be happy and healthy. However, there were also very many lost loves, unrequited loves wishing for the return of their lover, or the acknowledgement of their love. Big Frank has posted photos of these. Yes, Big Frank posted his own note; however, the photo of it didn't turn out:)

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