Thursday, September 1, 2011


TNT (A Portrait)
Big Frank Dickinson

Clove cigarettes and chocolate creams

And text messages that stretch out into the hundreds (shhh!)

But rarely go to voice.

Tummy problems with sour cream

And insomnia that calls for pills

But rarely any pimples.

Walk-n-Talk most everyday

And bike rides clothed in pink crossbones

But rarely admissions ... (shhh).

Monkey sock dialogues that end badly

And unsuccessful attempts to trip

But rarely does he know (anymore).

Red Audio double T with a spot on the back

And a bill that just keeps growing

But rarely full of gas.

Phone numbers that get suddenly changed

Photos sent on the sly still (shhh)

But rarely faking calls.

Take it back this

And take it back that,

But rarely wears a hat.

Mouth twisted to the side
And teeth nibbling inner cheeks
Rarely cracking knuckles.


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