Monday, March 17, 2008

Revolutionary Fashion

The photo above is of Jeanne Françoise Julie Adélaïde Récamier, dressed in Neo-Grec fashion as championed by Madame Tallien - she who bathed in strawberries.

This train of associations - false dilemma to man pinned by tiger eating strawberry to strawberry, to the woman who actually did bathe with strawberries - Thérésa Tallien (usually known as Madame Tallien, and then to the fashion craze she started in Revolutionary France.

Madam Tallien lived from 1773 to 1835 and was a well-known figure during the French Revolution. She is remembered for her involvement in the Liberal cause in France, which led to her imprisonment, and threat of the guillotine. She had one of the leading salon’s of the day (not too many of those around these days). In addition she started a whole movement in fashion – Neo-Grec! You know this look – it’s the loose fitting white robe-like drapings that sort of look like what you imagine classical Greek women wore. The painting at the top of this post is an example. Anyway, she scandalized society by showing up at the Paris Opera wearing a sleeveless white dress and no underwear underneath! Talleyrand famously remarked on that: “It is not possible to exhibit oneself more sumptuously!” That is seizing the moment! And, of course she did bathe in strawberries - to good effect, it appeared.

For more info on these revolutionary fashions go to the following website – incredible number of good photos there.

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