Sunday, March 2, 2008

Big Frank Looks Around

Today was a bright sunny day in Spokane. The first marmot of the year emerged from hibernation - what surer sign of spring is there? Big Frank went out for a run with camera in hand. This was an attempt to focus on where he was - not on where he wasn't - in his head. So here is what he saw. Above is a fence, and note how the missing top rung has allowed us an unobstructed view of a lingering patch of snow: beautiful. Above top right is a ponderosa pine. This is a particularly big one, and it's inner branches, the blue of the background, the reddish-brown bark, and the general massiveness of its trunk make for a great shot.

This is ponderosa pine country and so there were lots of them around. This tree can get well over 100 feet in height and its trunks - when left to grow - get over 6 feet in diameter. Here are a few more shots of those trees that I passed along the way.

This is a massive trunk - an old tree!

The same one looking up into its tangle of branches.

The ponderosa pine, with a split trunk.

Here are some fences. This first one is a stone one with three cottonwoods in the background there waiting for their leaves.

This next one has its shadow mirroring it. Great symmetry.

And finally, coming back I glanced down and saw the grass - still sleeping, it appeared.


dan patterson said...

Big Frank,
I found your photos and discussion of Spokane greenery less than exciting. Much more interesting were your bits from Eckert Tolle and Swami Veda. Amazingly, I pulled out "Superconscious Meditation" just a few days ago and reread the exact passage you quoted. I guess you'd say I'm tracking you--except when you stray afield, so to speak.

Big Frank Dickinson said...

Go check out Eckert Tolle's website, or Oprah's - she has chosen his latest book for her book club, and is having a 10-week webcast with him on it. I tried to view it tonight, but the internet congestion was excessive prevented watching, but it's all on downloadable video.

Amazing that you had read the same passage - it's a classic. As for the going afield - it's my meager attempt to get grounded - and the ground sometimes is, well, the ground!