Tuesday, March 18, 2008


The associations continue. When Madam Tallien was imprisoned she had a meetup with none other that Joséphine de Beauharnais, which brings to mind the topic of this post – no, not Josephine, but meetup!

Here's a great new idea - well, at least it's new to Big Frank: http://www.meetup.com/ is a great opportunity for people who share the same interests to gather in cities all over the U.S. A friend of Big Frank’s here in Spokane turned him on to this great site. He immediately took the opportunity to put the word out that he is organizing a meetup for Spokane Webloggers: http://blog.meetup.com/412/ Spread the word! However, that particular interest group is but the tip of the iceberg of possibilities. Here is where the internet brings people together face-to-face. And it is taking off big time! Just go and examine the range of groups that have already organized and are just waiting for you to join them. The groups range from 2 to 500. The topics range from serious to silly, and if your topic of preference isn't there - well then go ahead and organize one yourself - anybody can. In one city – let’s take Denver for example, here are a few of the possibilities available right now:

Ballroom Dancing
Dune Buggy
Tarot Geeks
The Pollyanna Glad Club
Wine Bats, Blind Wine Tasting Colony
Random Acts of Kindness Volunteer Group
Dog Training
Laughter Yoga
Yoga Cooperative
Female Bikers
Racquetball notifications
Rocky Mountain Scramblers
Singles Hikes and Adventures
Kabbalah Group
Shyness & Social Anxiety
Design and Wine
Kiss Corporate GOODBYE!

Now go and look at what’s out there in your own backyard!

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