Saturday, July 5, 2008

Your Dream Show

We write, direct, and act in our own productions. Well, this is a little trite when we think of it as a metaphor for life. You know the old saw - life's a stage where we all strut and fret etc. etc. However, when we look at this as reality it carries a little more weight, and this is nowhere more true than in your dreams. Here is where you are in complete control. The catch is, of course, that afterwards, or before, you can't analyze and second guess what you decided to do. Talk about being in the NOW, it seems to be nowhere more true than in your dreams.

In your waking life most often any kind of action that you take is preceded by plans with lots of alternatives, and then ultimately some kind of decision that often is delayed, changed, or even abandoned. And then, even when you do act upon it, there is your reaction to it. You might be proud of what you did, regret it, or even put a spin on it (consciously or not) so that it becomes more of what you would have liked it to be, or maybe even what you didn't want it to be (no sense in being rationale about this process - for it usually is not). Memory is its own story-teller, as often as not as far off the mark as perception - if there is such a thing as "the mark". However, in the dream there is no need to spin, no need to regret, no need be proud. It is almost as though the ego has been removed from the picture. Maybe the ego had some kind of input into the writing, directing and acting; if so a whole different part of you (let's call it the producer) made the calls and put the show (the dream) together. Who this producer is (that's a topic for another time), is beyond our understanding, and so we acknowledge that it was "only a dream", and we played our part(s), and mostly take pleasure in whether or not we even remembered what it was that we did.

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