Monday, November 28, 2011

Hip-Hop; Good Stuff!

Big Frank has always of the opinion that nobody should dismiss any entire genre of music out of hand.  That's a full stop on that one.  It seems, in Big Frank's experience that the two genre's that are most follow the statement, "I like all kinds of music except _______"  are country and hip-hop.  So Big Frank is out to show ya'll that hip-hop is not to be dismissed.  I have included a couple of artists that Big Frank admires - Jay-Z, below and Theophilus London - way below.  Big Frank was turned on to Theophilus London by his daughter - thanks, Gina; he's terrific.  So, listen and acknowledge - this is good stuff.  Country comes next.

Here is the great Theophilus London (don't you just love that name 'Theophilus'.  The only other time Big Frank ever heard of that name was the novel 'Theophilus North' by Thorton Wilder.  Wonder if there is a connection there somewhere?


Gina said...
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Gina said...

Good stuff, I'd never heard that Theophilus London song before! He's such a hipster!