Saturday, June 23, 2007


By Big Frank Dickinson

The edge is sharp;
it cuts the fine line
between the old
and the new.

It is for that reason
that it's an ambiguous place;
we are warned not to dwell
on the edge; it's dangerous.
At the same time; it does
acquire a certain panache –
"Oh – he's really edgy –
He's not bound by the plane
That we live on".
One foot with us –
And one foot on the other side.

How daring to have the oomph that
puts you over the edge where
the rest of us stop.

Edges of views invite speculation;
the horizon binds us on all side.
Beyond it? . . .
The the imagination holds sway.

To live on the edge is to
embrace danger.
One person on the edge is
daring, full of adventure.
A group on the edge
not of their doing - lamentable.

These edge species may go
Over the edge; they not only
Are threatened but also isolated.
There is no close relative to help out.

The Sumatran rhinoceros,
The Cuban solenoden,
Riverine rabbit,
Red panda, and indri:
Living on the edge.

A predicament that
None of them chose.
None of them wants.

Going over that edge (for them) is oblivion.
Not just for them- but their childrens' children's children –
To the Nth generation –
For the rest of us – risking our own private oblivion:
that is exciting; brinksmanship; fringe.
The edge for one can be cutting and incisive;
maybe that is why the hero is always singular;
while the victims are grouped.

So when you go to the edge;
Go alone. Your children will
Thank you.

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