Monday, June 25, 2007

Upside down

The Upside of the Downside
By Big Frank Dickinson

The upside of the downside of life
Is a crest that looks both ways.
It shows the path of sorrow can
Take us away; and if we follow
That path and don’t turn back,
We move on out of the forest
Of previous hardship into the
Plain of opportunity with its open vista.

The downside of the upside of life
Is a crest that looks both ways.
It shows the path of joy can
Take us back; and if we follow
That path and don’t turn back,
We move into the forest
Of previous hardship away from the
Plain of opportunity with its open vista.


lynn said...

Hi Big Frank,

Can we reach that plain of opportunity or is the forest of hardship too dense to escape from? Do you think it is really possible to escape the past and find the present let alone the future? What mode of transport do you suggest?
T F would say 'Keep the Faith' Which faith? If you ever find out . then let me know.
Keep writing.

Big Frank Dickinson said...

I'm not so sure that we want to escape - at least not directly; rather move through it to new vistas. How that happens is different for each of us. Perhaps the key is that the difficulties of the past can reward us.

Thanks for visiting - and for your comments.

Big Frank

Indeterminacy said...

If something sets me back I usually lose a night's sleep over it, thinking about all the aspects of it. Then somehow I recover an optimistic outlook.

(Now that things have settled down with all the blog of note traffic, I'mgoing through and seeing who visited and trying to pay back all the comments. Don't believe I've thanked you yet for linking and for your participation. Anyhow, I do it now.