Monday, February 2, 2009

The Enemy Face to Face

Big Frank has met the enemy and he is bad. On the left is an electron microscopic view of a rhinovirus - cause of the common cold. There are actually hundred of these little monsters - each of which will given a cold. These viruses are extremely small - it would take millions lined up end to end to fit within one inch, and if you covered the back of a postage stamp (please do not actually try this at home) it could infect the entire planet!

So one (or more of these guys) got to Big Frank. The typical method of infection is airborne - or via Big Frank's own hands and then onto his nostrils or mouth. They then attach to the back of the throat and start to multiply. That's why it always starts with a sore throat. Usually these viruses don't go much beyond the throat, sinuses, or upper respiratory system because they can't really take the higher temperatures much above 33 degrees celsius. Within 2 or 3 days of the infection, swelling occurs and in response your mucous membranes in the nasal passages begin to secret large volumes of fluid. The battle is on as the cold virus propogates madly and the immune system tries to flush it all out with coughing, sneezing, and mucous flows from the nose. The good guys pretty much always win, but it's not pleasant.

Big Frank is calling this his "Lucky Cold" because it's kind of like when someone keeps hitting you on the head bwith a stick - it feels so good when they stop. Well, Big Frank is on the mend and tomorrow - or maybe the next day - it'll feel so good!

And just because knowledge is power; how about a few misconceptions about the common cold:

1. Chills and dampness have nothing to do with catching colds.
2. Don't necessarily feed or starve a cold - listen to your body; but do drink lots of liquids (wash it out.)
3. Kissing is OK - Kissing rarely infects. During colds, the virus generally stays in the nose and throat. The mouth remains remarkably virus-free. However, no rubbing noses!
4. Neither chicken soup, nor megadoses or vitamin C, nor echinacia nor anything else with has been proven effective in killing or shortening the duration of a cold.

And that's it for Big Frank's health tips for today - now go wash your hands!

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