Tuesday, February 24, 2009

On and On

"I'll let things be what they are, sort of."
---- John Ashberry

Letting it Be Here, Boss

So I decided to let things be what they are.
That sort of freed everything up and I
immediately noticed that nothing had really changed.
The same old worries still dangled on hangers ready
to be put on when the time was right; and the
tentative plans for radical changes of a positive sort
were still in the wings, ready to be implemented - but later.
The larger expanse of matter and life seemed to be
carrying on as always: giant balls of rock and gas
swirling around accepting the license to continue.
The wind was gratefully filling all kinds of gaps,
the inhabitants of which were scurrying and poking
around: thoraxes and the occasional fur and feathers.
All accepting the infusion of protons to show each other their stuff,
and (supposedly) there was also lots of dark junk,
but nobody could see any of that (just as always).
The noise (still there) was reduced to very small waves, sort of,
that was fed into our ears pretty much all the time
when I wasn't being distracted by internal alerts.
Inside the fluids were pumping, the vegetables were secured,
and millions of messages were nervously headbound relating how things are out there,
and just as many reactions were being allowed to assert their opinions
concerning all of this - much was conflicted - and I let both sides
have their say, as it were, letting them squabble it out in the same
old way buying in one minute to their having their external way and
then getting pretty pissed off that they didn't have more consideration for
how it all affected me. And me, the same old interloper both
part of and apart from the show - as always - sort of anyway.

---- Big Frank Dickinson

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