Friday, July 17, 2009

July 17

July 17, 2009 - poetry and today.

Today, Big Frank rose with the birds. Actually there is a robin who has a nest built under Big Frank's deck, and she was already up when Big Frank started his coffee going at 6:30 this morning. Everytime that Big Frank goes out on the deck she yells at him to go back inside. Her chicks are getting pretty big and she's very portective - it won't be long now and they'll be out on their own. Why on earth was Big Frank up so early, given that he doesn't work on Fridays this summer? Good question; nonetheless he was up, and he stayed up. And went for a good long trail run before it got too hot, and then read some poetry to start the day. This day, July 17, seems to be a poetry day. Looking back - Big Frank was writing on the July 17 th. Yes . . . on this very day in 2007 and in 2008 it seems that poetry is what happens on this day. So happy July 17 - Cd!

So another July17 poem seems appropriate. It's coming . . . but in the next post.

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