Friday, November 27, 2009

The Office of Lost Opportunity

The Office of Lost Opportunity
---- Big Frank Dickinson

In the office of lost opportunity there are no current calendars and the clocks all run backwards. Those who come are always late for their appointments, and usually they are turned away with lots of upbrading about if they had only and why didn't they . . . It is not clear why anyone bothers to come here in the first place for to do so is to admit that one blew it; but many seem to want to make that admission. Those who do show up on time expect to be able to review their loss. They are given mirrors and told to look over their shoulders - what they see is seldom consoling and after a few questions about second chances, and how maybe it was all for the best (something this office does not encourage) they head across the street to the Bureau of Lucky Losses for a healthy dose of snythetic happiness, which seems to please them to no end.

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