Sunday, November 8, 2009

Torun with Konrad and Aneta

A 15th century Torun grainery.

Big Frank and his son, Konrad making a visit to the renowned astronomer Copernicus' birthplace.

Torun's old city square ("rynek starego miasta")

Konrad and Aneta.

Big Frank on the couch that would NOT turn into a bed!

Big Frank had a terrific time in the old medieval city of Torun, Poland with Konrad and Aneta. Konrad, as usual, was the guide and the driving force behind this trip. He arranged for an apartment for us in the center of the old town. The apartment was terrific, even if the bed that Big Frank slept in collapsed in the middle of the night and could not be repaired. This did not put a damper on anything. The three of us spent a couple of days doing the city up in fine style. We visited the ruins of the castle of the Teutonic Knights that the city of Torun razed in the 15th century. This city was a prosperous grain center, and there are lots of beautiful old 15th century granaries still to be seen. Of course the main attraction in Torun is the home of Copernicus, who was born here. We toured the home in the wake of a group of school kids who were taking copious notes - we took none. We also sampled the other main attraction of Torun - gingerbread ("piernik").

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