Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The End of Waiting

The End of Waiting
By Big Frank Dickinson

Let’s raise a cheer for the wizened man
Who rose from his chair and left.
Enough is enough he thought to himself:
“No more waiting for me.”

And the word got around, and soon
The magazines began to stack up,
Someone eventually cancelled Reader’s Digest,
And the plants took over the couch.

Hanging up became the new fad;
Phone trees were piled up in alleys.
Real people came out of hiding
Replacing associates who fled.

And nobody ever again said:
"Can I put you on hold?" Or,
"Could you take a seat? Or,
"Please take a number?"

It was all now immediate and everyone
Was satisfied instantly and temporarily,
Till someone started exclusive clubs
In abandoned warehouses with very very long lines to get in.

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