Sunday, August 17, 2008

Elusive Reasons

"The inner lives of human beings are obscure, not only to others but to themselves as well. People are elusive. We tend to be rather poorly informed about our own attitudes and desires, and about where our commitments truly are. It is useful to keep in mind, then, that a person may care about something a great deal without realizing that he cares about it. It is also possible that someone really does not care in the slightest about certain things, even though he sincerely believes that he considers those things to be extremely important to him.
(The Reasons of Love – Harry G. Frankfurt)

Blind Devotion
By Big Frank Dickinson

The clownfish commitment to Heteractis magnifica
As seemingly caring as the anemone’s
Protective tentacles. Their bond as much
from doubt as awareness free.

The sea anemone gave her partner presence;
And him her; no need for them an oath.
The caring question was never asked,
For blind devotion nourished them both.

The storm that tore them apart
Awakened within each concern:
Acknowledgement of their lack
And the clarity to confidently return.

“I’ll never wander far again”,
He thought it was his choice;
And she embraced him without sting
But did she then rejoice?

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