Friday, December 12, 2008

Holiday Wishes

Big Frank was out tonight looking at that giant moon, closest to the earth of anytime during the year. When that big pizza pie, as that shmaltzy crooner Dean Martin sang, hits you in the eye – it says: “Amore”. And we all know what amore conjures up – wishes! So wishes it is – this is the season of wishes. This is the time of the year to express what you want for those who are near and dear to you. And remember the wish should not be a wish for YOU, but what you wish for them. You don’t write to your son or daughter and wish that they would correct their lives in the way in which you would like their lives to go (I’m referring to grown children here). You don’t write to your siblings and wish that they would acknowledge some worth you see in yourself that they have ignored. You don’t write to your enemies and wish them ill. You don't write to your friends and wish them to take better care of you. You don’t write to your co-workers about how they could improve their work performance. And you don’t write to people for whom you have strong feeling (much as you might like to) and wish them to do what you would like them to do for you . No, in all cases, this is the time of the year to unselfishly wish for the well-being and genuine happiness of those in your heart. Just think, that wish could be the tipping point. What a terrific holiday gift that would be to have tipped someone whom you really care about into their peace and joy with your wish. Well, who knows; wishes are positive thoughts and they do have influence!

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