Friday, December 19, 2008

USPS - what's the deal?

OK, Big Frank got a note from USPS six months ago. They told him that his mailbox was 6 inches to low and 3 inches too far from the road. Then they stopped delivering mail (can they do that?). The note was delivered into that so-called faulty mailbox - good enough for the their note, but not good enough for anyone else's notes. And, by the way, it also had some kind of vague threat concerning the dire repercussions if the mailbox was not kept in tiptop shape. So Big Frank got a shovel and moved the mailbox. He then took it off its pole and raised it a full 6 inches. No thank you was forthcoming from the USPS. However, since then the mail has been delivered regularly - not one day has passed without mail . . . until yesterday. No mail! Take a look at the photo. You can see right into Big Frank's mailbox, and clearly there is no mail in there. Now, it is true that the mailbox leans a little to the left and the nails holding it are a little loose, but it is exactly as close to the road as USPS regulations require, and is at the stipulated height (as per USPS regulations) off the ground. The lilt was caused by gravity - not Big Frank. So why no mail today? Snow? Oh, yeah, sure, let's all blame the snow!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Spokane USPS is terrible! I'm waiting on a check that was sent weeks ago to arrive so i can get some extra Christmas gifts for my family. I have notice that due to the "snow storm" Spokane USPS has not delivered in 3 days!?!??!? Wake up! Everyone else seems to be working except our piss-poor government employees...