Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Bike and The Buffalo Grass

It's that time of year again: bike and buffalo grass. And today Big Frank introduced them to each other for the first time. You might ask: WTF - why introduce the bike to the buffalo grass? Well, the answer is simple. Come spring - real spring - the bike comes out. Today was Big Frank's first bike ride of 2009! It was a kind of shake-down ride - just checking out the bike, and checking out Big Frank's legs, core, and butt. And? All systems are go - legs and core fit! And the butt? A little sore - but that's because that's the only part that didn't get any workout during the winter. In the future Big Frank'll have to do a little practice sitting during the winter. And the buffalo grass? [A little aside at this point. Have you ever wondered why so many people ask themselves questions when they are talking - especially in interviews. As in, "Would it make any sense for me to be asking myself questions?" Actually it would do no more good than stating the answer to begin with. - OK end of aside] The buffalo grass, next to the bike, is what Big Frank spends most of his time in the summer on. So Big Frank introduced one focus of spring/summer to the other focus. And, do they get along? Actually they did not have a lot to say to each other.

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