Monday, June 29, 2009

Clouds: Drifting and Sizzling

(1) The High Sky Drifter

1. Yes, I know taking the usual course is the thing to do. Follow the wisdom of the crowd and get in line. It's all very clear down there, they think. But . . . actually up here, on my own course things are much clearer. Yes, it is a little lonely, and if one of them should choose to join me that wouldn't be bad; of course, not just anyone: I've made that eminently clear. Maybe that one will; it's not that the invitation wasn't made. I did make it pretty clear what the advantages were and all: I'm good company, the view is gorgeous, I'm very dependable and all, and because I'm solidly sure of my course and direction, so there really would be no risk. So, maybe tomorrow; and if not . . . well, maybe next week.

(2) The Sizzler

Look at what I emanate. Just look! There is not other cloud in the sky that gives it off like I do. Of course, there is a danger in doing this. I know; everytime that I give off a bit of myself I dissipate somewhat. Still, I have heard from so many that what you give comes back threefold. I do hope that it starts coming soon, because if not there is not going to be much left of me. But: what a way to go! What a way to go!

[All Photos by Big Frank Dickinson: 1. above the Spokane River, 2. above Spokane Falls Community College.]

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