Monday, June 15, 2009


Big Frank and Spokane weathered a tremendous thunderstorm this evening. The rain and hail pelted the city and the streets and gutters ran with torrents of water. It was as if what had been building up for days suddenly let go, and it was good. There was no need to fret anymore; all is well. The double rainbow that Big Frank captured after the storm was proof of that. In Greek mythology the rainbow was considered a path of the messenger, Iris, bewteen Earth and Heaven. In Indian mythology the rainbow is the bow of Kama, the god of love. And this brought to Big Frank's mind the single word, YES. The word so pleasing to the ear. Here's the link to Big Frank's poem on YES. And below from Gregory Orr's new book of poetry entitled, "How Beautiful the Beloved".

Here is a quotation from this very affirming book:

If to say it once
And once only,
then still To say: Yes.

And say it complete,
Say it as if the word
Filled the whole moment
With its absolute saying.

Later for “but,”
Later for “if.”
Only the single syllable
That is the beloved,
That is the world.

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