Friday, June 19, 2009

Clouds and Stories

(1). Spokane is only the underdrop for these clouds that carry a different story for every single person that they cover. The guy in the tall white building in the center of this photo is not even aware that these clouds carry a story for him; it is carried by the center darkness of these clouds which reflect his brooding insecurity about the likelihood that his co-workers respect him. They never defer to him in conversations, never follow-up on any topic changes that he makes, never laugh at his jokes, and it seems that sometimes they look down when he walks towards them. The darkness of these clouds is his.

(2). The illuminated center of these clouds reflects the hope of the graduates lined up beneath them. Their period of study is over and now they glow with accomplishment and determination to take that next step in their lives for which they believe this period of study has prepared them for. For some it will have been a preparation for what comes next; however, for others the preparation will be of a different sort. It will have been an unacknowledged preparation in that what happened while at college in the hidden curriculum outside the classroom, something that they were not even aware of will carry them through connections, personal growth, and acquired perseverance on a road that they never expected to ever be on - be it's coming.

(3). The unlikely shape of this cloud leads the man below to believe that it carries significance for him. Nobody looks at a typical round cloud, or a blanket of clouds and sees anything of significance in them. This cloud's unique shape prompts thoughts derived from contrived images. This man does not see Mickey Mouse ears, nor does he see two trolls on a teeter-totter; he sees the two poles of himself - his ying and his yang joined in the middle and looking up at each other. For him, it means that he has met his soul mate - he recognizes her and is a peace with this knowledge. And this is very strange, because he doesn't believe in soul mates!

1 comment:

Gina said...

you found "the view"! that's a popular hang out place. and gorgeous.