Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Trailing Clouds of Glory

Big Frank is on the road. He is currently in beautiful Bozeman, Montana uncertain how much further he will go this evening. Certainly, without the lure of the clouds on the horizon it is going to be less of draw to keep going. However, night-clouds! That might be something to check out.

Heading out of Spokane and through Idaho there were no clouds at all in the sky - a prefectly blue sky showed Big Frank over the July 4 pass and into Montana where the first glimpse of clouds appeared on the eastern horizen as Big Frank entered Missoula listening to Cold Play's "Viva La Vida" (a father's day gift from Gina!). Then it was a chase to get to those clouds and it didn't happen until Anaconda where Big Frank took the first shot at a rest area over some old piece of metal that probably has something to do with mining. Still those clouds were a ways off.

Then when he hit the western edge of Butte suddenly the cloud was all over Big Frank, an amazing spread of a cloud that reminded Big Frank of the story that that cloud surely had never told anyone, but Big Frank knew it as he drove under it. This was the spreading of a great idea that sprang from a deep feeling. Look at the deep blues on the under belly of this spreading idea - those are the feelings the undergird it (yes, Big Frank is aware that the prevailing wisdom (so-called wisdom) is that feelings spring from ideas - but who hasn't had ideas that sprang up to reach their goals - set with feelings?). As deep at the mining pit in Butte so high was this inspiration for Big Frank.

Going over the pass from Butte to Bozeman the rain came down in buckets and lots and lots of vehicles went in the ditch. Ambulances, firetrucks, police, and EMTs streamed past Big Frank to deal with the wreckage and injury of the terrible downpour which lay water down like oil spreading vehicles right and left. Big Frank slowed to 25 and made it through unscathed. Then as he approached Bozeman the beauty of the passing storm hit Big Frank again in the display of clouds to the north of Bozeman. This resonanted with Big Frank - the calm that comes after a traumatic incident with distant rumbling matching the fading turbulence.

[All Photos by Big Frank Dickinson: 1. above Anaconda, Montana, 2. above Butte, Montana, 3. above Bozeman, Montana.]

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