Wednesday, August 26, 2009


---- Big Frank Dickinson
Lines around the world: the tropic of capricorn
The tropic of cancer; lines in the corners
Of your eyes; canary's feet, yes, not crow's
Because it is the canary that sounds the alarm
To tell you that it is hightime to leave the mine,
Give up the digging and get the hell out of there,
And go, where? Outside where grass grows up straight
In straight parallel lines, green flags of our disposition,
Striking out against the graying lines of a fallen tree
With its horizontal cracks expanding with the years,
Oblivious that it's on it's knees, tender without flight,
Embracing the growing half-met fight, yet hard
In its solid place as right; note the scrawl made
Across the gain; who came here and scratched
Those two bold upright lines on this withered log?
Was it the beginning of a game, a mark of time,
Or perhaps a note, a slowly fading memento
Of where two were - once.
[Photo by Big Frank Dickinson: Mt. Spokane]

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