Sunday, November 2, 2008

Riding Bikes

Achtung! Big Frank is in Berlin with his son, Konrad. It is, as always, hazy and overcast - gray skies. However, it is not raining. This first posting is the first thing that Big Frank did upon arrival - he went in search of the Robert Rauschenberg's "Riding Bikes", and with some wandering and a few questions he found it. It is just off Potsdamer Platz, installed in a small reflecting pool in the center of a small square, was installed in 1998, and it is absolutely beautiful. The neon was on and some reflection could be caught in the pool. So Big Frank was pleased. The bicyles bring back good memories for Big Frank, and the way the bikes are rising from the reflecting pool is a distincly good omen. What does this presage? Only the bikes know for sure. Achtung!

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