Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Great Melodic Jazz

Big Frank has a few recommendations for you jazz lovers. He is going to bundle this into a group of musicians/bands that to seem to fit together to Big Frank. Big Frank hesitates to categorize them under easy listening or soft jazz, rather let's call them smooth, lyrical, unabrasive, and tight without taking away from the rigors of the jazz medium. This is the kind of music that you can put on towards evening when you are winding down from a tough day and not have to worry about it jarring your nerves, or pushing you out of your evening funk. This is not sentimental, nor does it eschew solo stand outs by the musicians, but by and large the bands keep lid on their stretchings out. All three of these albums are real keepers: tunes that you will turn to again and again. This is music entering the realm of meditation, but not in any way new age music.

The Tord Gustavsen Trio: The Ground
This Norwegian Trio is amazing. Gustavsen plays piano in this classic jazz trio of piano, bass, and drums. The melodies in all cases are lyrical, but not sentimental in any way. Listen and feel the stress evaporate - a wonderful album.
Brian Blade & The Fellowship Band: Season of Changes
Brian Blade is a great drummer. This mix of songs is emotionally evocative; fairly slow but very full- in all senses of the word. Kurt Rosenwinkel plays guitar in this six-piece band. Heres' a place you can hear one of the better cuts: Stoner Hill.
Charlie Haden: Nocturne
Here is Charlie Haden's tribute to Cuban jazz ballads. He is assisted by Gonzalo Rubalcaba on piano, Pat Methany on guitar, along with, among others, Joe Lovano and David Sanchez on tenor sax. This is an album for the ages. Certainly one that Big Frank plays over and over. It will sooth the most jangled of nerves and is capable of inducing a calm most welcoming: absolutely beautiful music in every way. Here's the first cut off the album En la Orilla del Mundo (At the Edge of the World).

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