Friday, November 7, 2008

Winter's Coming

Big Frank has been thinking lately about the changing seasons and the coming of winter. There is a long break now from overseas travel so his weekends are now as free as his thoughts and inclinations. His bike is getting put away, and he's turning to thoughts of winter. No snow yet, but with the coming of the rains of autumn and the plummeting temperatures winter fun is on his mind. He's cleaning up his skiis and thinking of snow shoes. This form of winter footwear dates back thousands of years; and while some today still prefer the older wooden type (quieter and their frames don't freeze) still most opt for the newer hybrid or high tech kinds that are lighter and more durable. Snowshoing really has taken off in recent years and most ski resorts now offer trails, plus, of course, the advantage of being able to go pretty much anywhere with at least 8 inches of snow on the ground. Here's a great link to find out more information on snowshoes and snowshoeing, and here's the link to Snowshoe Magazine. So Big Frank will give this a try this winter in addition to the skiing. Let's hope the rain quickly turns to snow and covers the fallen leaves opening up new trails and adventures. Who else is interested?

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