Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Korea on Big Frank's mind (and in his face)

Big Frank went tourist today - at least for a little bit anyway. Seoul, like many Asian cities can strike one as a little on the gray side; except for the signs (they are everywhere and multicolored too) and the pockets of parks and temples. So Big Frank went to visit a park today: Tapgol Park in Seoul (the first public park in the city). The park takes its name from the Korean word "tap" which means pagoda. Inside the park is the famous Wongaksa Pagoda - a ten tier stone pagoda. It has eerily been encased in plexiglass becoming a coccoon of the past - with the reflection of none other than - Big Frank (with Korea not only on his mind, but in his face). However, in addition to this treasure (the pagoda, not Big Frank's face) - the gates and central gazebo offer a wonderful collection of colors.

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