Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Living By Clichés: a new blog

These very very short stories have become longer and longer and are threatening to take over this blog. Big Frank cannot allow that to happen, so it has been spun off onto its own blog, entitled "Living By Clichés". So readers who are interested in the development of that story of the Freeman, Madelyn, Ron, and Patti should read the blog: "Living By Clichés". The story will continue - it is moving well beyond a very very short story into a short story, and will soon become a novella, and after that . . . who knows.

In the mean time, What It Is can resume its life. It was never intended to be one long story without anything else. So to get back on track, here are a few things to think about:

1. The United States is embarking on the first truly Keynesian experiment to see if massive injections of capital from the government can truly stimulate the economy enough to jolt it out of a depression. This is an experiment. How does it feel to be part of this?

2. Who is really running your show? Big Frank means, when you talk about yourself - what exactly is it that you mean? Which self - the little person in the control seat in your head who calls the shots (you don't really believe that, do you), the plot line of the narrative that is constantly evolving as the story trails behind, or that elusive core at the bottom of everything that you can't ever see, but you've heard about?

3. Does concrete get harder and harder as time goes on, or more brittle, or both?

4. Is it really possible to avoid self-deception?

5. Why is it now that plants and animals that come from abroad are called exotics, but people are not?

6. If you met your evil twin would he/she think that you were the evil one?

7. Why are movies getting louder and louder and the scenes shorter and shorter?

8. If life is so precious and wonderful, and sleep is like death, why is it that we have trouble waking up in the morning?

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