Sunday, January 25, 2009

Big Frank Tries His Hand At Aphorisms

Big Frank has been reading a lot of aphorisms lately. So he thought that he would put down a few of his own. Here they are - 10 of them.

1. Getting into the moment means getting into which moment?

2. This life of yours is never wasted; what you spend your time on has value - the waste is not your life - it's your attention.

2. Honest sharing is selective revelations.

3. The face of your lover reflects in your reaction to it the face of your love.

4. Your comfort with your body is a good indication of your insouciance.

5. When your tears laugh you have touched the face of God.

6. The way in which you get out of bed in the morning has absolutely nothing to do with what kind of person you are. The way you go to sleep at night, however tells everything about who you really are.

7. People who insist on talking only about themselves are condemned to listen only to themselves.

8. The neglected sense is one that rarely gets anyone into trouble except in public announcements of the obvious.

9. Music is the source of emotion that never deceives.

10. The gaps in your attention are a map of your detention.

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