Tuesday, January 20, 2009


"One keeps saying the same thing, but the fact that one has to say it is eery."
Elias Canetti

Marginalia All the Way Back Home to You

Your own mental scribbles comment on
A story you just told, telling you how off
It was, or maybe even asking why that,
Just now; well, perhaps you shouldn't have.
That story has to go - away for good,
Its relevance was questionable.
Now the commentator's front and center
As though it were a talking head, a
Pundit on TV, who sees a pattern
In all you do and never lets you be.
In leaving the margin it's fair game
And is then marginalized by you:
Acknowledging that while it's stale, its telling
Pleases you more than refraining.
But marginalia had been set, so while
The story will stay on for more replay
It'll always be framed in anxiety from that day.

---- Big Frank Dickinson

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