Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Flow Tracking Day # 7

Big Frank spent day # 7, the last of his experiment, much in the flow. Rather than get into any analysis of the results of this experiment now, Big Frank will report on this last day and then leave the report for later. So here's day 7.

1. Big Frank attends a lot of meetings as part of his job. Usually these kinds of meetings are not condusive to flow in the least. However, Big Frank has discovered how to productively use this time - when the meeting is taken over by the redundant repetition of the obvious, and the tangential expeditions of those oblivious to the agenda at hand. Big Frank's solution, at these time, is to write aphorisms. The technique is to pay very close attention to everything that is happening at the meeting - what is said, the reaction of those attending, and the context within which all this is happening. The result is . . . Big Frank enters the flow. Here are his aphorisms from this morning's meeting. Categorize as WRITING.

1. Hair is a face frame.
2. Your honesty with yourself is your window into your character.
3. Your secrets are your treasures.
4. If there were no gravity our heads would be in the middle of our bodies.
5. Small talk is like treading water: it serves a purpose in emergencies or pauses, but gets you nowhere.
6. Nonverbal communication is the silent percussion of speech.
2. Big Frank organized a new meetup this evening: Social Adventurers. Ten people signed up but only three actually showed up. This seemed like it should have been a failure of sorts and one that would have resulted in worry and contemplation of mistakes. However, just the opposite happened. The three people who did show up got into a very animated discussion about something quite apart from the purpose of this group. While this was, in a sense, off the mark - still it did get Big Frank into the flow. Categorize as SOCIALIZING.

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