Sunday, January 25, 2009

Flow Tracking Day # 4

This flow tracking is 4 days on the road - three to go before Big Frank puts it all together and tries draw some conclusions. There are few patterns emerging - maybe there will be more. Today, Sunday, Big Frank thought that he would get a little more into the flow, but the day just seemed to slip away in kind of a flat manner. There were a couple times when he did get into the flow - so Big Frank will ignore all that flatness and relate only the flow.

1. Editing poetry. Big Frank is going through all the poetry that he wrote over that past year. Sometimes in rereading the poem sits well and Big Frank is pleased with it as it is. However, often he is struck at how it's off a little with a word, or sometimes the whole thrust of it seems less than what he had intended. However, the entire activity did put him into the flow of the moment. Categorize as WRITING.

2. Reading and listening to others read poetry. Big Frank met with a group of poets that get together every two weeks to read poetry (both that they have written and also others). It is a very satisfying activity that requires concentration and is very rewarding. It takes you out of yourself and into the world of poetry - a very good place. Categorize as LISTENING TO POETRY.

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