Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Big Frank has stepped into 2009 and it still has much of the feel of 2008, but with time (that's what it's all about, not?) he will evolve and change just as that 8 was transformed into the 9.

We can all feel the energy in the air - all the reflection, the resolutions, the transformation, and the positive energy that radiates from people at this time of the year. Big Frank likens it to, as he remembers, the feelings that you have at the beginning of the school year. You have your binders, your notebooks, pens, class schedules, and your determination and excitement about beginning the new school term. Hold that thought without skipping ahead to the times (too often we all know) when it all fell apart or it all felt like it was falling apart. The memories of this are most poignantly present in all of us in those ubiquitous dreams we have to this day: "Oh, no! I have a test in a class that I forgot that I had even registered for." Or: "I know I'm supposed to be in a math class that meets in 5 minutes, but I don't even know what building the class is in." OK - scratch that memory, and insert this one: "I'm so on top of everything - I've even have A's going in classes that I never even registered for." And, "I know where classes meet that I don't even have to go to." No wonder organization is one of the top new years resolutions. So: GET ORGANIZIZED!

With reference to the above - if you are especially anal on the resolution (Big Frank is somewhat) then the fact that you can never be as organizized as you would like to - or should be then you need to be able to deal with the stress what to do with - all your extra buttons for pants you bought, all your piles of receipts, all your coupons (even though you never use them), and the boxes (you never know when they will come in handy) etc. etc. So you need to relax, which leads to resolutions 2, 3, and 4:
2. MEDITATE! Let all those disturbing thoughts in, look at them, and then watch them sail away unattached and untroubling.
3. EXERCISE! Run, bike, lift, throw, and generally be regularly active and get the good hormones flowing. You will feel high! You will release muscular tension and unease.
4. SOCIALIZE! Get out, meet people, share your life, be interested in theirs and you will find that your problems will be replaced with theirs (no that's not right - your problems will be lost in the warmth of socializing).

Finally, pick up a pen, or put your fingers on your keyboard and WRITE! This is Big Frank's last resolution for the year. Tell your story in whatever way you want: poetry, memoir, diary, journal, fiction, nonfiction, essay, blog, or crossword puzzle. In all cases you will have the opportunity to impose order on chaos, wrestle with making sense of the sprawl of experience, increase your vocabulary (words are power), and leave your mark.

So there you are - Big Frank has gone public. Help him hold to these and if you have any to share - Big Frank is here to help. Happy New Year!

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