Thursday, January 8, 2009

The President-elect and Big Frank's newly discovered miraculous powers

It's that time again - random thoughts; and strange occurences.
Big Frank had a dream two nights ago. Barack Obama was in the dream with Big Frank. This was in some kind of office building with lots of people moving in and out of offices and small groups standing around and talking. Im not sure what Big Frank was doing there - he hadn't been offered a post in the cabinet (yet), and he wasn't lobbying, but he did feel like he belonged there. However, the president-elect was definitely not paying any attention to Big Frank, and he was aware of that. Still he enjoyed hanging around with the president-elect.

The snow is melting in Spokane. Big Frank got stuck in his driveway on Tuesday evening. He drove in, onto a two-inch thick sheet of ice. Then once on the driveway he could neither go forward nor backward. This presented a problem, which Big Frank dealt with by going into his house and ignoring it. Then (reward for procrastination) when Big Frank woke up in the morning . . . the ice had all melted and the vehicle was no longer stuck! It was a miracle! Big Frank now believes that he may have miraculous powers. In the future, whenever confronted with a problem he will ignore it and that will resolve it. What a blessing to discover the source of his miraculous powers. Who was it that said: "What you ignore will go away." That would be Big Frank, of course.

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